No rock unturned: Revitalising the economies of mining dependent communities

Joan Kuyek and Catherine Coumans

This literature review investigates the ways and means by which communities that are dependent on mining may be able to revitalize their economies in the face of industry down-sizing and closure. Local communities bear the brunt of the environmental and health costs during and after the mine, and are often ill equipped to protect their interests. The literature makes it clear that mining no longer provides a sustainable base for the development of local economies. The government investments that are required to open new mines and keep mines operating, would be better spent on remediation and closure, on sustainable community economic development for remote communities, and on caring for the health concerns of affected residents. Mining must be made to better serve the development needs for an entire region, through effective land use planning and decent resource rents.

Joan Kuyek and Catherine Coumans. (2003). No rock unturned: Revitalising the economies of mining dependent communities. Retrieved from

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No rock unturned: Revitalising the economies of mining dependent communities