The reclamation of mined land in the Czech Republic has been focused on preparing the land for final use forThe reclamation of mined land in the Czech Republic has been focused on preparing the land for final use forproductive purposes. The current national regulatory framework does not consider non-productive habitats as alegal type of post-mining land use. In the study presented here, we mapped, categorized, and analyzed non-productive post-mining habitats and defined appropriate management measures applicable under the presentlegal framework. Thirty different types of non-productive and productive post-mining habitats were distinguishedin the study area of the North Bohemian Brown Coal Basin. Spatial and on-site analyses were conductedto identify their landscape and ecological functions, using measures such as the average area, the perimeter, andthe relative length of the ecotones. The results showed that non-productive habitats accounted for 9.9% of thestudy area and that the non-productive habitats were significantly smaller than the productive habitats. Therewas an average area of 1 ha for non-productive habitats and an average area of 4 ha for productive habitats. Inhydric reclamation, we identified more than 96% of the habitats as non-productive. However, only 6.7% of forestreclamation land, 4.4% of ‘other’ reclamation land, and 2.6% of agricultural reclamation land have been officiallyclassified as non-productive habitat. Supported by a case study and our literature review, we havedeveloped a typology of non-productive post-mining habitats. The typology systematizes non-productive habitatsand makes clear recommendations for their establishment and management measures. The typology can becommunicated to a multi-stakeholder audience to increase the knowledge baseline for incorporating non-productive habitats into post-mining land use.
Hendrychova, M., Svobodova, K., & Kabrna, M. (2020). Mine reclamation planning and management: Integrating natural habitats into post-mining land use, Resources Policy, 69. doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2020.10188210.1016/j.resourpol.2020.101882