The Luscar Mine and Gregg River Mine lease areas are located along the front range of the Rocky Mountains, adjacent to Jasper National Park, Canada. The active mining area has been reclaimed resulting in the re-establishment of the area as part of the home range of wildlife species, including bighorn sheep, elk and provincially threatened species such as grizzly bear and Athabasca rainbow trout. In addition to these prominent species, significant wildlife diversity has emerged and continues to evolve. The Luscar and Gregg River Mines Land Managment Plan Working Group was formed to develop a land management plan and consists of membership from Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Teck Resources Ltd, Coal Valley Resources Inc. Alberta Environment and Yellowhead County. The methodology employed for land management planning involved communities, interest groups and the public. The process engaged stakeholders representing a variety of community interests. The process established a vision for the area that would allow for management of the reclaimed habitat and re-colonising populations of wildlife along with reasonable and appropriate human use, thus providing opportunities for interpretation, education, recreation and ecotourism. The process provided an opportunity for collaboration among provincial and local government, industry, stakeholders and the public to explore a more strategic and integrated land management approach to end-land-use planning.
S. Karmacharya, M. Symbaluk, D. Brand and S. Schwartz. (2011). Life of coal mine planning - engaging in land use planning at Luscar and Gregg River mines. In AB Fourie, M Tibbett & A Beersing (eds), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mine Closure, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth (pp. 147-156).