The article presents one of the social aspects of mine closure, which concerns degraded urban space. One of the post-industrial districts of Waibrzych: Sobiecin was selected as a case study, in which the general condition of the buildings was assessed. The closure of mines is the last stage of mining activity, the result of which should be a permanent minimization of the negative consequences of the impact of the mining industry. The closure of mining enterprises has environmental, social and economic consequences. The liquidation of the Waibrzych coal mines in the 1990s resulted in a rapid de-industrialization of the region and did not provide the means to contain the domino effect it caused. At that time, economic and social changes began in Waibrzych, and unorganized and intense changes took place in the city space. Liquidation processes in the mining industry have led, among others, to the physical and aesthetic degradation of residential buildings and other facilities. The purpose of this article is to assess the general condition of buildings located in an area affected by the negative consequences of mine closures. To achieve this goal, an inventory of the technical condition of the buildings was made. The external elements of the building were assessed by means of a field interview: the facade, door and window joinery and roof covering. The inventory process was supported by drone flights. The collected data was used for graphic and tabular studies, summarizing the condition of buildings and the degree of degradation of urban space.
Kozlowska-Woszczycka, A. (2021). Degradation of urban space as a negative effect of mine closures. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 942(1), 12028.