There is no doubt that there has been significant advancement in mine closure planning and implementation as mining companies accept higher levels of corporate responsibility, government regulations tighten and stakeholder expectations increase. During mining booms, there is greater opportunity, willingness and pressure for mining companies to make significant commitments in relation to mine closure, but what happens when times are tough? In what way do economic downturns affect closure processes and outcomes? This paper discusses the findings of a break-out session held at the Fourth International Mine Closure Conference in Perth in 2009.
Finucane, S. J. (2010). Corporate (ir)responsibility: What is it really worth when times are tough? In A. B. Fourie, M. Tibbett, & J. Wiertz (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Mine Closure. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, ViƱa del Mar (pp. 3-15).