CPPA believes that many of the mine rehabilitation issues that form the basis for this inquiry into the rehabilitation of mining and resources projects as it relates to Commonwealth responsibilities stem from a shortage of experienced professional personnel in both the mining, consulting/advisory and regulatory sectors. CONTEXT: Rehabilitation of mining and resources projects as it relates to Commonwealth responsibilities. On 8 February 2017, the Senate referred an inquiry into the rehabilitation of mining and resources projects as it relates to Commonwealth responsibilities to the Environment and Communications References Committee for inquiry and report by 23 August 2017. SUBMISSION: CPPA members are concerned that the lack of policy and regulation around closure cost estimation process and qualifications required to generate closure cost estimates, has led to industry confusion and regular underestimation of closure liability. CPPA would also like to bring attention to the gaps in social and economic considerations in the existing legislation. With only the environmental aspects of mine closure and rehabilitation being routinely considered during mining approval processes, a bias towards environmental rehabilitation outcomes has emerged which has the potential to limit economic development of the land post-closure, to the detriment of local communities.
Closure Planning Practitioners Association. (2017). Submission 3 of 74. Retrieved from https://www.aph.gov.au/parliamentary_business/committees/senate/environment_and_communications/miningandresources/submissions